Monday, 3 September 2012

'Fauna': Photomanipulation

Through a workshop referred to as CAD, I was introduced to a few methods of photo mainpulation, which became the main focus of this media. Another very experimental approach to a somewhat new media. I have experienced photo-editing on the level I was working on here before, all with rather lackluster results.  People who chose to specialise in this workshop would produce entire images digitally primarily with programs such as Adobe Illustrator.
Understandably this would appeal to those aiming to persue graphic design. It should be noted at this point, I was still uncertain as to what I would do. However, looking back on this now, I'm not too surprised this workshop did not hold so much appeal to me. In all honesty, even looking back on it now, I feel no different with this project.

'Fizzle Lizzle' (2010)

'Kumudo' (2010)

For samples, I worked on photos I had taken myself at Cotswold Wildlife Park and Singapore Zoo.
I chose to do nothing particularly elaborate, so I just experimented with layering effects.

'Kumudo 2' (2010) 

'Kumudo 3' (2010)
It was rather difficult for me to feel invested working with this media so it's more than likely I won't choose to work on anything like this again.

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