In addition to the other briefs and prior to our Final Major Project (FMP) in Foundation Art & Design, this 'art book' project was set as part of an additional certificate. Admittedly, I don't remember the details on this certificate and hence its relevance to the rest of the Foundation course. As for the actual aims however, we were to produce a minimum of two art books. Both had to focus on a different theme, be 'hand-made' and hand-bound and at least one of them had to be 'free-standing'. The actual definition as to what constituted as a free-standing book was most deliberately left vague. Fortunately, this did mean that the requirements were not too restrictive on possible outcomes and also meant I could aim to make my free-standing book project with an almost sculptural quality.
Even before beginning the project, I knew this would involve at least one of the most explorative pieces I produced for the whole course. I most certainly decided to go all out with using books as a base media to my art to the extent of using a second-hand encyclopedia as my sketchbook, specifically for the project.
To be specific, it was The Marshall Illustrated Encyclopedia of Animals.
This way, I figured I could use the sketchbook as a continual medium for experimentation. I also wanted to take away the elements of producing a sketchbook that can more or less feel like a chore rather than a fulfilling recording of artistic development. Or perhaps a better way to word this would be to say I did it take make the project more fun.
With this in mind, I most certainly plan to make the most out of presenting what I developed through my sketchbook as much as what I've actually built as the final outcome. In a sense, my process/es allowed the sketchbook to become an art piece in its own right, albeit a highly experimental and non-refined one.
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