Saturday, 11 May 2013

'Myths & Mysteries': Portfolio and Exhibition Pt. 3


I've come across a technical issue in trying to exhibit '21st Century Baphomet'. The space is not approporaitely shaped to present the piece as I had originally intended. However, I recalled the form of Epstein's 'Rock Drill' when a tutor suggested to have the entire piece suspended.

When I completed setting the piece up for exhibition, I tried to consider what similarlities Baphomet may have with 'Rock Drill'.

In fact, with increased hindsight, I would come to see more and more ways to compare Baphomet and Rock Drill. This would become key in the development of an idea for a future project.


A tutor has informed me that at least three people noticed problem/s with my exhibit's layout. Apparently, the display of the small-scale sculptures is rather obstructive. This was resolved by having the sculptures' plinths fixed onto the walls, also allowing them to stand out more however appropriate.

Unfortunately, this also meant a number of my smaller sculptures would have to be excluded from the final exhibit though presentation was improved nevertheless.

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