Saturday, 11 May 2013

'Myths & Mysteries': Portfolio and Exhibition Pt. 4

Here are some photos I had taken of the exhibition for the Final Major Project art show in my college.

These are the small-scale sculptures that were eventually displayed for the final exhibit.

Left to right: Dagda Idol, Untitled (Basilisk), Coatlicue Idol and Untitled (Colchion Dragon) (2011)

Top to bottom: Untitled (Hydra), Bullman Idol and KFC (Kentucky Fried Cockatrice) (2011)

For the exhibition of Cerberus as Gluttony (2011), the sculpture was placed onto a dinner plate and had fresh vegetables surrounding it. The intention was to let the 'creature' stew in itself as a meal while the food around it began to rot.

I was glad to see how the final outcome for Typhon and Echidna turned out, as the jackets did well to hold the wire bodies close to the plaster torsos.

21st Century Baphomet exhibited as a sculpture.

I found myself taking a liking to how 21st Century Baphomet was exhibited more than how I originally thought to display it. This made it feel more ominous as a figure, as it practically loomed over anyone approaching it. The frail, exposed wire taloned hands I also thought were a nice touch.

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